Time Period/Region
- 16th Century 15
- 17th Century 15
- 18th Century 20
- 19th Century 61
- 20th Century 83
- Ancient 36
- Australia & New Zealand 2
- Austria 3
- Brazil 1
- British Isles 77
- Canada 1
- Caribbean 1
- Civil War 3
- France 29
- Germany 7
- Great Depression 3
- Greece 5
- Huns 1
- Iceland 1
- Italy 11
- Japan 5
- Jewish 2
- Korea 1
- Medieval 35
- Mexico 5
- Mongol Empire 1
- Mughal Empire 1
- North Africa & the Near East 14
- North America 2
- Panama 2
- Philippines 1
- Renaissance 3
- Rome 24
- Russia 3
- Spain 3
- Sweden 1
- Thailand 1
- The Netherlands 1
- Titanic 13
- Transylvania 1
- Ukraine 1
- United States of America 75
- Viking 4
- WWI 4
- WWII 17
Game Hens with Hazelnut Sauce
A complex, savory sauce for poultry made with hazelnuts or almonds
Olympic Marinated Skewers
Delicious, well-balanced grilled meat with an earthy, herby, smokey flavor, and accompaniments to round out an ancient Greek Olympian’s meal
Epityrum (Olive Relish)
Briny chopped olives with a dressing of olive oil, vinegar, and herbs, served with bread and feta. Perfect as a summertime appetizer