Time Period/Region
- 16th Century 15
- 17th Century 16
- 18th Century 18
- 19th Century 59
- 20th Century 70
- Ancient 35
- Australia 1
- Austria 3
- Brazil 1
- British Isles 70
- Canada 1
- Caribbean 1
- Civil War 3
- France 24
- Germany 6
- Great Depression 2
- Greece 5
- Hawaii 1
- Huns 1
- Iceland 1
- Italy 11
- Japan 5
- Jewish 2
- Korea 1
- Medieval 34
- Mexico 5
- Mongol Empire 1
- Mughal Empire 1
- New Zealand 1
- North Africa & the Near East 15
- North America 2
- Panama 1
- Philippines 1
- Renaissance 2
- Rome 23
- Russia 2
- Spain 3
- Sweden 1
- Thailand 1
- The Netherlands 1
- Titanic 9
- Transylvania 1
- Ukraine 1
- United States of America 66
- Viking 4
- WWI 3
- WWII 13
Victorian Ice Cream & The Queen of Ices
The incredible business acumen of Agnes Bertha Marshall, and a refreshing 19th century cucumber ice cream recipe from one of her books
What is May Day?
The history and traditions of May Day, and a 16th century salad that truly embodies the spirit of the holiday
Dining First Class on the RMS Titanic
The first class experience aboard the RMS Titanic, and a recipe for dessert that would’ve been a real showstopper for the passengers
Punch Romaine from The RMS Titanic
The cooks aboard the RMS Titanic and a citrusy palate cleanser served at first class meals
The Titanic's Crew Member Experience
The crew aboard the RMS Titanic and recipes for a meal the Victualling Department prepared for that last dinner
Titanic's Second Class Experience
The second class experience aboard the RMS Titanic and a chicken recipe that could’ve been served to them
Dining Third Class on the RMS Titanic
The third class experience on the RMS Titanic and a recipe for a soup that was on the third class dinner menu of that last day
Medieval Irish Food: Peasant to King
The food of early medieval Ireland and a recipe for medieval corned beef and cabbage
How to Make Coffee a Better Way
The institution that was English coffee houses and a method of making coffee from the 18th century
The History of Doughnuts
The history of doughnuts and a recipe from 1803, before the doughnut got its hole
1600s Chicken & Cherries with Ken Albala
Q&A with food historian Dr. Ken Albala and a chicken recipe he got from a 17th century manuscript
Hogmanay Shortbread from 1779
The history of shortbread and an 18th century recipe that includes yeast
A Bakewell Tart from World War One
The stories of Gavrilo Princip, Mata Hari, and Rasputin, and a Bakewell tart as demolished by Rasputin in The King’s Man
Victorian Mincemeat With Actual Meat
The history of mincemeat pies from food preservation to a Prohibition loophole and beyond, and a Victorian recipe that contains meat
Smoking Bishop from A Christmas Carol
Why this mulled wine, mentioned in A Christmas Carol, is called smoking bishop, and a delicious, warming 19th century recipe
1915 Yorkshire Parkin for Bonfire Night
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot and how Bonfire Night became associated with parkin, along with a 1915 recipe for the sticky ginger cake
Apple & Cheese Pie from 1553
The history of apple pie and a 16th century German recipe for a pie made with grated apples and cheese
Making A Wedding Cake From 1769
The history of wedding cakes and an elaborate 18th century recipe for a fruitcake with two kinds of icing
Feeding A Medieval Knight
The efforts to curb the violent tendencies of medieval knights from tournaments to Crusades, and a late medieval recipe for meat pies that are perfect for the knight on the go
The Lost Episode of Tasting History: Prince Biskets
The many achievements of Sir Hugh Platt, a quick history of biscuits and what that word means in different places, and a recipe for a caraway baked good that is nothing like any modern biscuit